
Insanity max 30 sweat intervals full
Insanity max 30 sweat intervals full

Today’s challenge was a bit tougher than yesterday’s and the aftereffect is about the same. Getting out of bed has become the toughest challenge of the day (apart from the workout). It’s day three and every muscle in my body is aching and I can feel every fiber. The thing with this regime is that you write down the time of the first time you maxed out during the 30 mins and then next time you do the same thing you should see an improvement or aim for that. Not really feeling sick, but also not hungry and no headaches or other unnecessary pain apart from my muscles. I didn’t go as far as yesterday I guess and probably the workout was a bit easier, but this is what I expect to feel like after a workout. So that were definitely the worst after effects I had so far after training. I’m starting to doubt the continuation of this, but I guess we’ll see tomorrow. I still can’t smell food without getting sick. I guess that’s what you get for giving a lot after no training for about 3-4 months. Also I never hated the hot air from my hair dryer more. Afterwards I got a bad headache which lasted for about 15 min, I wasn’t too far from throwing up and getting through showering also wasn’t that easy. I barely made it through the cool down phase. In the last run I gave everything and afterwards I couldn’t really catch my breath for about 2 min. I maxed out at 10:20 min but by accident we started with the training that was foreseen for day 2.Īnd yeah, all the negative effects that hit me from time to time, hit me at once this time. I’ve done those exercises before, but never in one go like that, with that few pauses. I can definitely say that I reached a new limit. It’s about half an hour later and I’m still feeling sick. And for those of you who are interested in the in depth details of my experience with this program, you can read the diary like summary. So this was the general informative part. I think that I’ve already tested my limits a few times we’ll have to see if this is even harder.īefore we begin I want to write down some data so we can see how that’ll change over the course of training: Height: 187 cm

insanity max 30 sweat intervals full

The only question is, how tough is tough? I’m interested to see if it is tougher than the trainings I’ve had before or tougher than the conditioning training I know from Parkour workshops with Laurent Piemontesi and Ševo Saša. My fears are, that I will overdo it quickly and that I might get ill and thus won’t be able to continue my training. I guess one can’t expect too much, but I hope that I will improve my current state and there will be at least some abs visible afterwards. What I hope for is that after this training I will be in good shape and kinda ripped. The goal of this program is that you go to your limits and beyond.

insanity max 30 sweat intervals full

You continue the routine to the end at your own pace, it is just important to make it to the end. When you can’t go on anymore, you’ve maxed out and you write down your time. Basically I wanted to see what this workout means to someone who really only wants to do this workout and get in shape for let’s say summer time.

insanity max 30 sweat intervals full

So during this whole training I ate whatever I pleased and it wasn’t really healthy and I didn’t do any other sports and before I started I haven’t been doing any sports or weight lifting for about 4 months. The thing I really wanted to test is how much such a workout means to someone, who doesn’t do any sports usually and who doesn’t keep a healthy diet. – This will also be the second training program ever that lasted a month or longer that I finish in my life. I will be doing this with a friend – Stipe Nim čević – who has done this a few times already. The only thing I know is that there will be 30 minutes of training 5 days a week with two days of rest. I don’t know much about the training program yet. I will write down a few sentences with my thoughts on each training day. Starting today () I will be monitoring my progress with this program. You will also have some diary like summary of all the training days. I want to tell you about my experience with this program and the results. Today I want to talk about the fitness program Insanity. So I’ve been working about two months to bring you this next post.

Insanity max 30 sweat intervals full